Title: Who was Marco Polo?
Author: Joan Holub
Genre: Biography
This book is about the life and times of Marco Polo. Marco Polo lived from the year 1254 to 1332. When Marco Polo was fifteen he traveled from Italy (where he was born) to China! In China he met a man named Kublai Khan and became very good friends with him and then Kublai ordered Marco to stay in China 30 years. Marco was with his father and his uncle for that time period. Marco died at the age of 69 in Venice, Italy.
I liked this book because it had very good illustrations. I think the publishers of the “Who Was” series do a very marvelous job because they always give you so much information that you will remember it. Another great thing about this book is that it has a lot of expressive drawings. I, personally myself, didn’t know that Marco Polo was a real person. I thought he was just a name of a game that was played in a swimming pool.
I give this book òòòòò out of 5 stars.
Review by Graham W.