Friday, June 20, 2008


Are you enjoying Summer Vacation so far? What did you do with your first week off? Have you been to the public library yet?

Take a look at this year's Summer Reading video.
Catch the Reading Bug at your local library!
Do you recognize the illustrator?
[Hint: he's drawn pictures for three Diaries of Bugs...]

To participate in Summer Reading 2008,
sign up online or at your closest branch.
To sign up online, go to

A fun thing about participating in Summer Reading online is that you can type up book reviews and share them with other readers in New York. You can also record all the books you read this summer, and watch your book log grow. Pretty exciting! I know I'll be doing this throughout the summer. And a few teachers will be as well! I already added two books and one book review.

If you're looking for a book to read next, journey over to the Summer Reading site, and peruse the reviews and recommendations written by other readers from Brooklyn, Queens, and Manhattan.

Be sure to talk it over with an adult at home, before entering your personal information on the Summer Reading site. Remember: you can use a code name or just your initials! You don't have to enter your school name or your email address. If you do give your email address, BPL will keep it private and send you email updates about events happening at the library this summer.