Friday, March 30, 2007

An Egg Is Quiet

This might be my favorite book in the whole school, right now. An Egg Is Quiet, by Diannna Aston and illustrated by Sylvia Long, is a non-fiction picture book all about eggs. It tells you about all the different animals that have eggs, how animals take care of their eggs, shows what's inside eggs, and finally what comes out of eggs!

I could look at it for hours.

Did you know that ostrich eggs can weigh up to 8 pounds, while hummingbird eggs are as tiny as jellybeans?!

My favorite page is about how colorful eggs are--it shows all of these eggs, from birds and fish and bugs, laid out in a rainbow. Really amazing! Sylvia Long is one talented artist!

It's still at my desk, instead of on the shelves, because I like looking at it all the time! Come see it and take it home.

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